Carolyn and I went to present the badges at the pre graduation party held at the University. In the past the graduates had attended the ceremony in the morning but this year it had changed to the afternoon. I think this made a difference to the atmosphere as there was still a degree of tension instead of the ‘phew –that’s all over, let’s celebrate’ lightheartedness. Of course the families and partners were there too and members of Faculty and it is always so nice to see everyone so proud and excited. Kate Russell’s sister, Jo Loftus, came to give the Award in her name which the University are continuing to fund and it was lovely to meet her. She was very moved by the occasion and so pleased that Kate is remembered in this way.
An interesting observation is that eight students who won the Mary Jones Award have gone on to win the Rebecca Haynes award on graduating.

Rebecca Brown winner of the Mary Jones Award

Jessica Bradbury, winner of the Rebecca Haynes Award
Rebecca Smith won the Kate Russell Award but left before I could get a photograph.

Carolyn with Jo Loftus, Kate Russells sister.