This is the last reunion before the League finishes at the end of 2018. Click on the photo to enlarge.
- The outside of the Chapel
- Carolyn giving her final address
- Mary Newton giving a last update
- Joy found her scarf
- Joy giving the last financial report
- Susie Overill giving Carolyn a gift from the committee
- Ann Spencer thanking Carolyn
- Bishop Tom describing how he rescued the stained glass windows
- Mary Railton-Crowder leading the Nurses Prayer
- Lots of messages
- One of three Final Reunion cakes
- Final Reunion cake
- Reunion cake depicting the Royal Infirmary in 1890
- Cake ready to eat – it was delicious
- Mary, Heather and Hazel CT 1962
- Should old acquaintance ….
- Carolyn,Ann,Kath Connolly & Claire Royale
- Julie Crane,Susie Overill &Elizabeth Barker
- Ian taking his (& our) last tour
- Joyce and Pat CT 1962
- Pat and Sylvia CT 1962
- Mary, Mary, Joyce and Pat
- Anne, Gillie and Pat ct 1962
- Anne, Joyce, Gwyn, Gillie, Pat and Pat
- October 1962 group at tea
- Wonderful necklace combining the badges
- 2015 Reunion
- Mary, Heather, Hazel and Mary at tea
- October 1962 enjoying tea
- Meg Parkes
- Mary Howe wins the raffle
- Mrs Gwyneth Ashworth (nee Morgan-Jones) Mrs Anne Hanning (nee Rigby) Mrs Eve Gilkes (nee Hubbard)
- Eve Gilkes nee Hubbard +Ann Harding nee Rigby 60th anniversary
Click on a photo to enlarge
The four 1965 PTS`s celebrated their 50th anniversary at the 2012 Reunion.
The celebration cake, kindly provided by Moira, depicted a round ward at the LRI.
Fifty Years Celebration
A weekend of celebration took place at the Hilton Hotel, Liverpool One, on the 16th October 2015, when 21 nurses met up 50 years after our start in P.T.S. Most had come from various parts of the U.K. but others from Australia, Canada and South Africa, with some not seeing each other for as long as 47 years! However, it was as though time had stood still as we chatted, photographed and caught up with each other.
We spent Friday evening at the “Let it Be” concert at the Royal Court theatre, and of course having been in Liverpool in the 1960s we all knew the words and could sing along! On Saturday we attended the Annual Reunion at the “Royal” followed by afternoon tea.
On Saturday evening we had a sumptuous dinner in a private room at the Hilton. We were entertained, between courses, by Susan’s jokes and Wendy’s rendition regarding the good and not so good times, as well as all the crying we did during our training. We took some time to remember those friends who, for various reasons, could not be with us. On Sunday we all went on our individual ways again. I’m convinced that our friendship through trial and tribulation, laughter and happiness has made us the energetic and spirited women that we are today. All of our thanks go to Hilary and Pauline for arranging this very special reunion.
Marilyn King. On behalf of all the September 1965 P.T.S.
- Mary & Moira
- 1965 50th anniversary
- 50th anniversary cake for 1962 PTS’s.Provided by Moira.
Annual Reunion October 18th 2014
- August 1959 PTS
- October 1959 PTS
- Carmel led the prayers
- Speaker Gill Hamblin
- April 1962 PTS
- …and August 1962
- Early arrivals get the front seats
- ….also in the front seats
- …. more early arrivals
- Tea time in the Foresight Centre
- ….plates all empty. October 1962 PTS
- Carolyn thanks Pat for her long service on the committee
- 1954 PTS.Patricia Blewitt,Sheila Wilson, Elizabeth Frood, Anne Goodchild
- Mrs Brown OBE picking the winning raffle ticket.
- Denise Hopper wins Sarah Newtons delightful Liberty print tapestry
Annual Reunion October 2013
On the morning of the reunion, Susie Overill arranged for three tours of the Royal Infirmary. Ian Campbell, Building Manager of the Waterhouse Building, kindly led these tours. Ward 6 is shortly to be refurbished
- Gwyneth nee Hughes, Christine nee Ascroft. Anna nee Metselaar, Gaynor nee Blakemore. In front Susan nee Hesketh.
- Christine Ashworth,Tour 2013
- Sylvia, Gwyneth, Anne Crooke
Gwyneth nee Morgan-Jones; Eve nee Hubbard; Mary nee Elliot; Ann nee Rigby; Elizabeth nee Allen
Reunion 2011
8 members of August 1961 PTS were reunited on August 1st to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of, quote “the day we crossed the threshold of The Royal Infirmary”
Their celebrations were held at the Panoramic Restaurant, 34th floor, West Tower, Liverpool
Back row L- R Arlene (nee Smith), Gill (nee Kay), Mary (nee Harrison), Pauline (nee Jones), Pat (nee Morris)
Front row L- R Val (Nee Whittington), Jan (nee Campbell), Hilary (nee Archer)
Sheila nee Parker (August 1962 PTS) recently visited the UK from her home of 37 years in New Zealand and a reunion lunch was held in the Cheshire home of Jean nee Edwards.
Nine members from August and October 1962 PTS were there to welcome Sheila, many hadn`t seen her since training days. Judy and Sheila`s friendship goes back further that nursing – they were in Primary School together.
Good food, good weather and good conversation were enjoyed by all before Sheila and her husband had to leave to catch their flight back home to N.Z.
Left to Right standing (easy to spot Sheila she has the New Zealand tan)
Jean nee Edwards; Judy nee McDonald; Kath nee Jones; Sheila nee Parker; Kathy nee Colley; Marion nee Jones; Diane nee Cargill
Sitting Anne Crook; Pam nee Williams; Mary nee Corlett.
A group from 1955 PTS celebrated their 55th anniversary at the reunion in October. Olive (3rd from left) travelled from Texas to join in the celebrations.
Left to Right Eryl, Merryn, Olive and Ann
Gilly (nee Taylor) recently paid a flying visit to the UK from Canada and met up with Gwyneth nee Hughes, Judy nee McDonald, Pat nee Norton and Anne Crook. We last saw Gilly at our 40th anniversary reunion in 2002.
L – R Gwyn, Judy, Gilly and Pat. (Anne took the photo)
Portmeirion Photos from 2006 to 2015
- Wendy, Judith, Sheila Jan 59
- Wendy, Gwyneth April 62
- Nerys, Olwen, Sylvia October 1950.
- Mary, Irene Oct 58
- Karen, Eve, Rhiannon. August 58
- Gwenda April 58
- Eunice, Wendy, Judith
- Ann, Beryl, Shirley,Elizabeth April60
- Gwenan, Dot, Hazel
- Claire, Isabel, Flo, Menai, Elaine all October 59
- Portmeirion 2014 After lunch
- Portmeirion 2014
- Portmeirion 2014
- Portmeirion 2013
- Portmeirion 2013
- Portmeirion 2013
- Portmeirion 2013 waiting for lunch
- Portmeirion 2013
- Dot and friends Portmeirion 2013
- Portmeirion 2011 Anne, Marion and Kathy
- Portmeirion 2011
- Portmeirion 2011
- Portmeirion 2010
- Portmeirion 2009
- Portmeirion 2007. Liz, Ruth, Anne, Margaret, Alison. In their 50th anniversary year
- Portmeirion Reunion 2006
- Portmeirion 2006 Members who have travelled from London, Hertfordshire, IOM, Ireland and Bedfordshire
- Members of August and October 1958 PTS
Farewell to Portmeirion
After many years of meeting together in local hotels, our Welsh members moved to the Portmeirion Hotel 16 years ago. Several ‘Royal’ nurses from the Wirral and Liverpool have since joined in their annual get together to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere in such a beautiful setting.
Sadly, numbers have declined over the last few years as members become older and less able to travel. Dot Williams, who organised the Reunion at the hotel has suffered ill health herself during this last year, and so after consultation amongst friends, the Welsh Reunion at Portmeirion is to end at the request of the members.
It is the end of an era, and the League’s sincere thanks go to Eve Price and Olwen Shepherd who started the local ‘get togethers’, and then to Dot Williams for organising the Portmeirion lunches. Dot has cancelled the booking for this year, so please do not try to contact her in June.
I am sure that our Welsh friends will continue to meet together in smaller groups locally again as so many of us Royal nurses do. There is a special bond of friendship which will always go on.
Carolyn Rankine (League President)
Other Annual Reunion Photos
- 1958 PTS at reunion 1999
- 1958 PTS at reunion 2007
- 1958 PTS at reunion 2008
- Aug 1955 celebrate their 50th anniversary at 2005 AGM
- September 1965 PTS celebrate 40th anniversary at 2005 AGM
- Jean and Riannon celebrate their 50th anniversary at the 2006 AGM (to the day)
- Mary and Liz celebrate their 50th anniversary at the 2006 AGM
- 1946 PTS celebrate their 60th Anniversary at the 2006 AGM. Margaret Ashby, Joan Bentley, Jean Ballantyne, Ruth Halsall
50th Anniversary Reunion for January 1966 PTS.
A group of us met on the 1st April 2016. to celebrate 50 years of the start of our training. We actually started nursing on the 3rd of January, but felt that January wasn’t a good month for people to travel. The 1st April 1969 was our results day.
We met for afternoon Tea at the Foresight Centre, and we had a very enjoyable afternoon, in addition to our Tea, we had a cake to mark the occasion.
One of our Ladies; Liz Evans nee Curbishley, was on holiday in Spain, but we were able to speak to her on Skype, which made us feel more complete as a group
row L to R
Jenny Griffths, Norma Higginbottom, Judith Hawkins nee. Goulden, Pru Suders nee Brice, Pauline Settle nee Burd, Grace Le Vann nee Leung, Jane Lea nee Hockley,
Hazel McCauley nee Daniels.
Front row L to R
Mary Tait nee Irving, Chris Johnson nee Hughes, Irene Penny nee Bell, Jane nee Stevenson, Ruth Fitzpatrick nee Hamilton, Gladys Vaughan nee Jones (not featured in photograph).
Pru Suders travelled from America to be with us, and it was very nice to see her and be able to catch up.
Fifty Year Celebration Jan 1967 PTS
15 members of the Jan 67 met on the 3rd January 2017 at the Liverpool Carriage Works Hotel to celebrate the 50th anniversary of commencing their nurse training on 2nd January 1967. The group had previously met to celebrate other key anniversaries; the last time had been in 2007 for their 40th anniversary.
The members of the group had travelled from all over the UK to attend, but those coming from the Wirral and Chester had had the most difficulties due to the Mersey rail track refurbishment (which is also celebrating 50years in service).
The exchange of memories, gossip and catching up on the activities of the group members who could not attend, made the afternoon pass very quickly. The excellent afternoon tea (and glass of sparkling wine) also helped! We all agreed that the afternoon had been so enjoyable that we should meet again soon, hopefully at the next League AGM.
List of people who attended on 3/1/2017
Mavis Rose (Ashworth)
Ann Heague (Barker)
Gaye Oxley (Blakemore)
Dot Crawford
Wendy Hayes (Delderfield)
Mary Harrison (Haldane)
Jane Bridson (Howse)
Pam Harris (Keats)
Sue Gabbutt (Hesketh)
Sheila Jewell
Anna Thomas (Metselar)
Val Thornes (Powell)
Denise Lees (Stanton)
Diane Adams (Travers)
Margaret Whitney (Rostron)