More photographs:
- Reunions
- Social Events
- LRI Refurbishment
- Badges, Books, Memoribillia and Icons
- Wall Plaques
- Past and Current Committees
Single click on a photo to enlarge and view gallery
- Prizegiving 1961
- Miss Robertson at the opening of the New Royal
- The Rankin sitting room
- Prize Winners April 1966
- Rehearsing for a concert 1940
- Sisters at lunch
- Red Rose Ball
- Miss Mary Jones in 1908
- Liverpool Royal Infirmary
- Matron S. Jackson with sisters circa 1957
- PTS 1969
- Sunbathing on the Roof
- Christmas dinner on ward 8
- Mr J. Howell Hughes carves the Turkey
- Late for Duty
- 1st year classroom
- Nurse Training School. Sister Laura Jones, Tutor
- Front Entrance Royal Infirmary
- Prize Winners 1963
- Gas Mask Drill 1939
- Ward 4
- Traditional Procession through the Hospital
- New staff nurses in 1963
- Marion Agnus Gullen Trophy 1965
- Prize Winners April 1947
- Marion Agnus Gullen Trophy winners 1949
- Ward 11 in 1956.
- Opening of new Outpatients Dept March 6th 1911
- Ward 9 in 1911
- 1963 PTS at the Adelphi Ball
- 1947 Miss Poueits, Miss Darroch and Sisters
- Outpatients Department, Pre WW1
- Sisters pre WW1.
- Evening Prayers 1962 or 1963
- Prizegiving May 1954. Sister Haynes, Mr Hugh Reid, Matron Jackson, Miss Catnach, Sr Darroch and Mr W.L. Bateson
- Prize giving May 1954
- Sylvia nee Moscrop at Portmeirion 2011
Photos from January 1950 PTS
- Prizegiving 1950 PTS
- Jean Hetherington
- Pat Hill and Margaret Pugh ct 1950
- Jean Hetherington ct 1950 in LRI gardens
- Helen Armson ct 1950 LRI near the tennis court
- Jessie Dickerson January 1950
- Margaret Pugh ct 1950 in LRI garden
- Jean Fielding and Jean Hetherington after Night Duty
Some photos from 1958 PTS
- Tropical Nursing Course 1963
- Hospital badge presentation 1957
- Heswall Childrens Hospital 1958
Some interesting documents & exam papers sent by Jane Kemp
- Interview
- another interview
- Acceptance letter
- Woolton Manor
- Infor re PTS
- Info for PTS
- List of requirements
- Docs to bring
- page 1 of short test after 7 weeks
- Page 2 of short test
- page 3 of short test after 3 weeks
- Revision for intermediate exam
- Intermediate exam revision
- More revision notes
Handwritten minutes for 1st League Meeting also guidance for Sisters
- 1st Meeting of the LRINL
- Page 2 of minutes
- Page3 of minutes
- Aims of the League
- Sisters Page 1
- Sisters Page 2
- Sister Page 3
- Sisters Page 4
Filming @ LRI in 2006 for TV
Stone City Films (London) were delighted to find the perfect location to film a period drama – the location the “old Royal.” The programme is due to be shown on BBC1 in November 2006. The title of the film will be “Casualty 1906.”
Barbara Leech and Jean Woods were invited to watch the filming of this Victorian medical drama set at Christmas 1906. Barbara took several photos and is pleased to share them with you – spot the locations. Although filming took place at the LRI, the drama is set at the Royal London Hospital and the cases and characters are taken from historical records.
- Matrons office or the Chairmans?
- Victorian patient
- Filming
- Filming in the ward
- Cheryl Lunghi as Matron
Second Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Nurses Badge Awards
- Very poignant.
- outside at the poppy installation
- Installation previously at the Tower of London
- The Concert Hall
- Beautiful building
- Beautiful
- St Georges Concert Hall
- Chief Exec, Mr Mayor, Chairman, Carolyn ,Mary
- Carolyn, Mary. Susie & Jane
- Waiting for the staff to enter
- Pat,Mary & Sue
- The Chief Nurse and her deputies as staff entered the hall
- The Lord Mayor
- Chief Executive RLUBHT
- Lisa Grant, Chief Nurse
- Carolyn Rankine, Chair LRINL
- Mary Newton
- Can barely see Carolyn and Mary
- Mary Harrison getting her surprise bouquet.
- RLBUHT Hospital Choir
- The Choir
- Mary Harrison & Mary Newton
Photos kindly sent in by Flo Blundell. Can you add to the names?
- Barbara Ashurst(Leech) Flo Bardin (Blundell) Sue Fairhead (Bottomley) Jill Duke (Seaton).
- Prize giving May 1954
- Sue Fairhead, Liz Prythurch with patients
- Mrs Francis,Fluff
- Sister , Larrinaga Ward
Photos from the May 2016 Royal Liverpool Nurses Badge Awards
- Aiden Kehoe .Chief Executive
- Clare Royale nee Grindley
- Joy Stanley
- Maeve Hitchmough nee Howarth
- Recipients with Carolyn
- Pip Buford nee Mc Farlin
Sent in by Sue Butterworth nee Wignall
- Alison McLennon,Di Whyte,Di Watson,Sue Wignall
- Sue Wignall 21st
- Will Lloyd-Jones,Sue Wignall,Norma Hale,Sheila Roberts
Assorted Photos
On Friday 16th October the Nurses League Committee were invited to see the recent development carried out in the old Royal. They visited the areas now called Blocks A, B and F.Block A contains Ward 1 and Ward 7. Block B is the old Orthopaedic ward, Clarence and Ward 8Block F, which comprises the round wards 6 and 12, has not yet been developed. The group visited Ward taken by Mary Howe during the tour.
BELOW – at the start of the tour
Sent in by Jenny Wheaton January 1965 PTS
- Jan 1965 PTS
- Jan 1965 PTS
- ?, Liz Johns, Maureen Admundsen, Sheila McCaig, Liz Black, Anne Connolly, Trisha McNaughton
- L to R – Penny Wright , Jeanie Collins, Nan Freason, Gwen Francis, Pauline Burgess, Gwen Williams

September 1969 Set

Mis Mary Jones receiving Honorary MA Liverpool University

Reunion tea,20th October 1945
Badge Ceremony December 2017
- Denise Hopper,Brenda Brathell,Sheila Owens, Carolyn,Margaret Clabby 1970 PTS
- Carolyn, Christine Hughes,Mary & Kathleen Williams. PTS 1963-67
- Valerie Mc Millan visiting from Canada
Photos of Miss Joyce sent by her family