NHS at 70 project
The Liverpool Branch of the NHS Retirement Fellowship is appealing to NHS past and present employees to take this opportunity of getting involved with Manchester University who are looking for members of the NHS who are willing to contribute their stories and reflections on any aspect of the NHS.
The 70th anniversary of the NHS in 2018 is a perfect opportunity to both celebrate and reflect on its past, present and future. NHS at 70 will capture the stories and artefacts of those who worked in any capacity for this unique institution, creating a shared digital archive of NHS history.
For more information please contact either:
Barbara Smart North West Regional Representative for the NHS Retirement Fellowship at
b_smart55@yahoo.co.uk or on 07716763950.
Direct to Nhs70@manchester.ac.uk
Write to NHS at 70, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, the University of Manchester, Simon Building, Manchester M13 9PL.