Well! It’s all over for another year but it was a lovely afternoon and the feedback so far has been extremely positive. I will have to wait for copies of content before writing a proper summary of the afternoon. Gill Hamblins presentation was received very well indeed with many members commenting on how interesting they found it. She spoke on how cancer services had developed over the last ten years and the fantastic progress that is being made both locally and nationally.It was so nice to hear that Liverpool continues to be innovative and adventurous in responding to new technology. We tried a new set up for tea by having designated tables for group years, that meant PTS’s could sit together more easily and it seemed to be popular. I saw lots of photos being taken so will look forward to getting some to put on the website. The display downstairs was also very good and created a lot of laughter and discussion after tea.The general feeling was – we know we’re getting older but when we get together like this we don’t feel it as time just slips away!