Presentation by Travel Award Winners

The winners of the 2011 Nurses League Travel Award, Becci Sloan and Abigail Hosier were invited to the Annual Meeting and gave a powerpoint presentation about their visit to Hyderabad in South India.

Becci and Abigail work in the Tropical and Infectious Diseases Unit at the Royal Liverpool Hospital. They currently focus on caring for individuals with HIV and Hepatitis and the travel award assisted in enabling them to visit and work with LEPRA in India.

We learned about the work of LEPRA in India and the immense problems faced.

Since returning to Liverpool, Becci and Abigail have created an information pack for newly diagnosed HIV Positive patients.

Many thanks to Becci and Abigail for such an interesting and informative presentation.

An article about their visit is in the 2013 journal but also appears in Latest News below dated  11/03/2013

Becci and Abigail give their presentation in the old chapel
